Demo used for 7B-spring/Catherine Bordel 7B/2025

Provides the Demo List.
UCB IndexTitlesort ascendingDate
D+0+12 Visual charge/discharge of a capacitor through a load.2025-03-21
D+0+2 Various capacitors to show.2025-03-10
D+10+2 Transparency: Mapping of an electric field.2025-02-12
D+0+8 Series capacitor array.2025-03-12
F+20+5 Rutherford scattering model: Steel balls, launcher, and "hill".2025-03-07
C+70+15 Ring and ball: Ball fits through ring only after ring is heated.2025-01-22
D+55+18 Resistor analog: Marbles cascading down pin board.2025-03-17
D+55+0 Resistance boards: Series, parallel, Wheatstone bridge.2025-03-19
D+0+4 Parallel plate capacitor with dielectric materials and electroscope.2025-03-14
D+0+10 Parallel capacitors array: A charged capacitor charges the others.2025-03-12
C+55+10 Mechanical model of a gas: Vibrating balls strike piston on OHP.2025-01-24
C+35+0 Mechanical equivalent of heat: Aluminum cylinder, crank, rope with 5 kg weight and large LED display.2025-01-31
C+65+2 Light the Match.2025-01-29
D+55+10 Large tungsten filament lamp; as it heats, current drops.2025-03-19
C+70+6 Heated horizontal nichrome wire stretches, weight sags.2025-01-22
C+20+0 Heat water in "O" shaped tube adding a dye.2025-01-29
D+10+13 Faraday cage: blocks signal from portable radio2025-02-26
D+10+13 Faraday cage: blocks signal from portable radio2025-02-28
D+10+13 Faraday cage: blocks signal from portable radio2025-03-03
C+22+0 Engine models: Steam, 4-cycle Otto.2025-02-05
D+0+28 Energy storage in a commercial capacitor. Loud bang!2025-03-12
D+10+0 Electric fields: Lines of force shown on an OHP.2025-02-12
D+55+8 Effect of temperature on current in carbon or tungsten filaments.2025-03-17
C+50+30 Drum in glycerine rotates to smear line of dye into a plane and back.2025-02-07
C+15+0 Copper/wood cylinder wrapped with paper over bunsen burner.2025-01-29
C+5+0 Computer demo: Nesting can calorimeter, runs 3 min.2025-01-27
C+45+0 Computer demo: Heat of fusion of tin.2025-01-27
C+45+0 Computer demo: Heat of fusion of tin.2025-01-29
D+0+14 Computer demo: Charge/discharge of a capacitor, runs at least 1 min.2025-03-21
D+10+12 Charge resides on the outside of a conductor.2025-02-26
D+10+12 Charge resides on the outside of a conductor.2025-02-28
D+10+12 Charge resides on the outside of a conductor.2025-03-03
C+10+0 Carnot cycle models: Piston/cylinder, PVT surface.2025-02-05
C+55+15 Brownian motion: Smoke particles viewed using TV camera.2025-01-24
C+50+5 Black balls and white balls in a box are shaken.2025-02-07
D+10+6 Attraction and repulsion of charged styrofoam balls.2025-02-10
Provides the Special Request Demo List.
UCB IndexTitlesort ascendingDate
-Would you have a multimeter that measures capacitance directly? It's always hard to go over the combination rules before we formally introduce Kirchhoff's laws so a capacitance-meter instead of a voltmeter would be great.2025-03-12
-Would you have a demo or app showing the oscillation of an electric dipole in an external electric field?2025-02-19
-Would there be any kind of home-made capacitor where we can insert/remove a dielectric slab and measure the change in capacitance with the type of meter used today for the combination rules? Alternatively, a voltmeter would be interesting to measure the voltage change when the slab is introduced/removed as the capacitor is disconnected from the battery.2025-03-14
-For the same reason as with capacitors previously, I think it would be better to use an ohmmeter instead of a voltmeter.2025-03-19
-Could you also please look for an app that shows electric field vectors or lines as well equipotential lines?2025-03-07
-Can I get the home-made kit with cardboard tube and needles?2025-02-21